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Fred Astaire Columbus Northwest Dance Studio

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Fred Astaire Columbus Northwest Dance Studio

Ballroom dancing is an activity that will enrich your life in many aspects. Beyond the steps and music, you will find that dancing is a perfect combination of physical activity, social interaction, and mental stimulation. With each step, The Fred Astaire Columbus Northwest's professionally trained staff will help you learn to be more graceful and expressive; improving your poise, posture, self-confidence and communication skills all the while providing relaxation through stress relief and a great low-impact cardiopulmonary exercise. 
Business:   Fred Astaire Columbus Northwest Dance Studio
Address:   1089 Bethel Road
 Columbus, Ohio 43220 USA
Phone:   614-459-8079
Website:   Fred Astaire Columbus Northwest Dance Studio
Ballroom, Fred Astaire, Latin, Wedding Dance,

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