Dance Directory Plus

Find that dance studio or class that meets your needs. Group lessons, classes or private instruction.

Sadler & Company, Inc.

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Sadler & Company, Inc.

Dance Studio Insurance including General Liability, Accident and Equipment Insurance coverages.

Sadler & Company has specialized in insuring sports and recreation organizations since 1957. Operating in all 50 states, we presently insure over 15,700 local and more than 30 national sports organizations through various special programs. Our history and experience are important because sports and recreation insurance is not something that can be mastered overnight. We have decades of experience in solving problems with creative solutions. 
Business:   Sadler & Company, Inc.
Address:   3014 Devine Street
 Columbia, South Carolina 29250 USA
Phone:   (803) 254-6311
Toll:   (800) 622-7370
Website:   Sadler & Company, Inc.

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